• We see a man dressed in black aiming to throw flowers . All the tag is in black except the flowers which are in color. I think that the message is that we do not need to make the war but we need to live in peace. I think that Banksy made this tag with a stencil.



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  • Résultat de recherche d'images pour "naked man banksy"

    This work of art is named “Naked Man”, she was paint in 2006 in Bristol on a building sex clinic. It was painted by Banksy. The city was planning to remove it but, the council voted unanimously to keep it. 


    The graffiti represents a woman in her underwear and her husband in a room and the lover of the woman hung at the windows. We can see the husband looking for something, we think he is looking for the lover of his wife and we think the woman doesn’t want to be caught. 

    The artist may want to denounce the infidelity of couples today. 

     We like this graffiti because it’s funny and represents the reality. 


    Danielle et Cybelia

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  • The name of the street artist is Banksy . It was painted in 2010. The technique which was used is a can of spray paint; it was painted on the wall of a private property in England.

     A string links her hand to the letter”O” in the phrase “NO FUTURE”. The color of the letter is a dramatic red and the background is white.

    The message may be that the miseries ruin the future of young people.


    I dislike the graffiti because it’s disappointing, provocative.


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  • On this picture we can see a tiger and a barcode. It is a stencil and the title of this picture is « Barcode leopard tiger » . The drawing is in black and white. There is a barcode which can represent a cage. The tiger has escaped from the cage because the bars of the cage are twisted. I think the tiger  represents freedom and the cage represents slavery. I think the barcode means when you are in jail or when you are a slave you are a number for jailers and for slavers. It’s a well done work of art for me.


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  • Le street Art est un vecteur d’ouverture culturel qui suit un mouvement pictural. Dans le 13e arrondissement, notre maire a choisi de mettre en avant ce concept il y a huit ans environ lorsque ce n’était pas encore connu. Il soutient le Street Art en faisant des démarches professionnelles ( peintre,graffiste…) et appelle ces artistes des quatres coins du monde pour qu’ils puissent partager leurs œuvres ici dans notre quartier. Le street art qui était au début une peinture très provocatric est maintenant tres populaire et attire la venue de nombreux touristes et artistes. Cela a des aventages mais aussi des désaventages comme le fait d’appeler un artiste car le prix dépend de leur localisation, les outils dont ils auront besoin et l’hotel. Pour le maire, ces œuvres préférées sont souvent les récentes d’ailleurs, il y a un nouveau projet préparé par Conore Arington qui se fait sur le boulevard Vincent Ariol. Cette position pourra à nouveau attirer l’œil d’autres personnes.



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